Journal of Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea

Print ISSN : 1226-2587 Online ISSN : 2288-9507

Instruction For Authors

  • 1. These regulations are pursuant to the terms of the Articles of incorporation for the Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea regarding all submissions for the purpose of setting various matters.

  • 2. We request that all authors follow these instructions carefully to ensure that both the review and publication of the manuscript are swift and efficient. Manuscripts will be returned to the authors if they are not presented according to the enclosed instructions.

  • 3. Manuscript submission, acceptance, and adoption.

    • (1) After the first author, or the corresponding author, logs on to the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea website ( and uploads themanuscript files, all authors should input the irrelevant information. However, if there is a problemwith the online system, the author should submit the manuscript and all relevant information to the editorial board e-mail address (snpark@
    • (2) The manuscript should be written in Hancom Inc. '아래아 한글' and MS Office's MS Word format. The file name should be the title of the manuscript. The file name should not be the name of the author and/or the institution in principle.
    • (3) A serial number is given upon receipt and initial pre-screening approval of the manuscript for review. Details regarding our review process, and the results of the said process will ve sent via e-mail.
    • (4) The adoption of the manuscript is determined by the manuscript's conformance with SCSK's instructions to the author. The chief editor can demand a re-submission and process a publication rejection when the submitted manuscript does not conform to the instructions given to the author.
    • (5) Authors can contact the chief editor with any questions regarding the submission and review of manuscripts relating to the quality of the manuscript's conformance to the instructions provided.
  • 4. Manuscripts that have been previously published, and manuscripts that are currently under review for another journal, should not be submitted to SCSK.

  • 5. The submission of manuscripts to SCSK is limited to members of SCSK. However, we do make exceptions for invited authors.

  • 6. The date the manuscript is received by SCSK is treated as the manuscript's submission date. The ending date of the final review is assigned as the manuscript's adoption date.

  • 7. Manuscripts must be submitted together with a submission report. Finished papers, which will have been reviewed, should be submitted as a computer file. Submitted papers are not returned to authors.

  • 8. Papers are divided into one of four categories:

    1)"Research Papers", 2)"Short Communications", 3)"Comments", and 4)"Reviews". Papers are organized into these categories by the following regulations:

    • (1) "Research Papers" should be comprehensive reports that contain significant new research data and/or new interpretations of existing data with a special emphasis on industrial applications. An abstract of 150–200 words should accompany all research paper submissions.
    • (2) "Short Communications" present scientific or technological information warranting rapid dissemination. Authors should define (in the text) why the contribution deserves rapid publication. "Short Communication" articles tend to occupy 2-3 printed journal pages. An abstract limited to 150 words is required.
    • (3) "Comments" discuss previously published works. The length of a "Comment" should not exceed 1500 words (excluding figures). An abstract limited to 100 words is required. The editors will generally permit the authors of the work being discussed to reply to the "Comment."
    • (4) "Reviews" furnish critical surveys of progress in the limited field of industrial and engineering chemistry. An abstract limited to 150 words is required.
  • 9. All manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English, and must be typewritten, double-spaced, and must contain adequate margins. Please number every page included in your submission.

    • (1) Written manuscripts can be written in either Korean or English. If a manuscript is written in Korean, you are allowed to use English technical terms alonside Korean terms.
    • (2) If manuscripts are written in Korean, main sentences should be suppressed as using English, Most English words are written with lower-cased letters unless the word should be capitalized as is required for the first letter of sentence. Please follow English language grammar rules regarding capitalization whenever an English sentence appears, even if the rest of the manuscript is written in Korean.
    • (3) Microbial words, scientific names, "in situ," and "in vitro" terms should be italicized. Also, if a letter of the alphabet and a number are used in a mathematical formula, the letter representing the variable should be italicized. Only ln (and other letters generally used for mathematical constants) and subscripts of mathematical formulae should remain un-italicized
  • 10. The manuscript should be written laterally on A4 (21 × 29.7 cm) sized paper (korean hwp, font character: HY sinmyeongjo, font size: 11, interval: 2). The length of manuscripts are restricted as follows:

    • (1) "Research Papers" are limited to 15 pages (excluding graphs and other figures).
    • (2) "Short Communications" are limited to 6 pages (including graphs and other figures).
    • (3) "Comments" and "Reviews" are limited to 2 pages.
  • 11. Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order. Each starts on a new page:

    • (1) Manuscript title, author's name, and affiliation. (written in Korean and English). The corresponding author(s) should be clearly indicated with an asterisk (†). The author(s)'s current organization should also be clearly indicated. In case an author's English address is indicated, do not use an abbreviation. Instead, please write the full text in English. Only the corresponding author(s)'s English address(es) should be indicated in detail in order to facilitate mail delivery.
    • (2) Abstract: : An abstract must be provided with all types of manuscripts. The abstract outlines, in a single paragraph, the aims, scope, methods, significant findings, and conclusions of the contribution. Korean abstracts are limited to 600 words. English abstracts are limited to 200 words. "Keywords" are limited to 5 words (in English).
    • (3) The text should be suitably divided under headings such as "Introduction", "Experimental", "Results", and "Discussion and Conclusion".
    • (4) Acknowledgment
    • (5) Tables: Each on a separate page.
    • (6) Figures : Each on a separate page.
    • (7) Captions for Illustrations: Each should be on a separate page containing no text. Captions should be labeled with the author's name and an illustration number.
    • (8) References
  • 12. A table should have a descriptive title (that appears above the table) and appropriate column headings. Avoid tables and graphs that involve duplication. If you use a graph, do not include a table of the same data. All tables should be written clearly on a page of A4 (21 × 29.7 cm) sized paper. Long words in tables should be replaced with appropriate abbreviations. The abbreviation should then be defined under the table. Tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals in the order of mention found in the text.

  • 13. Authors should submit additional information (such as figures) by scanning a file of the figure with an accompanying photograph. If it is difficult to submit a scanned file, you can draw on kent/tracing paper for an additional charge on top of the publication fees payed by authors. All figures and photographs should be of a quality that will be cleary visible even after the size of the figure or photograph is cut in half. All figures and photographs should be numbered using Arabic numerals in the order of mention in the text. Example: (Figure 1).

  • 14. All titles and table and figure content should appear in English. Table titles should be placed on top of the tables and figure titles should be written on a separate page. Table title capitalization guidelines are as follows: The first letter of each word should be capitalized, but articles and prepositions should remain in lower-cased letters. Contrarily, picture titles should be treated as sentences; only the first letter of the sentence should be capitalized and a period should appear at the end of the title.

  • 15. Texts, pictures, and abbreviations can be used in a table. Sample names and symbols should be defined only once (at the first instance of usage) and should appear in the same format as the following example.<

  • 16. The manuscript should be consistent within itself as to abbreviations, symbols, and units. Nomenclature should conform to that recommended by the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service). Authors should use SI units wherever possible. In particular, the second unit of time should be denoted as "s," the minute as "min," the time as "h," and the year as "yr."

  • 17. When there are signs like (), [ ] in the paragraph, signs shown before a word in Korean shouldn't have spaces between them, but on the other hand, spaces are needed before a word in English. "Figure 1(a)", as not like explained above, numbers before bracket should be attached to them without spaces. In the paragraph, when equations like "A=25" or "A> 25" are shown, spaces before and after of sign should be existed.
  • 18. Equations and formulae must be entered as symbols and characters. Capital, lowercase letters, and Greek letters should be easily discernible and should be identified in the margins to protect against ambiguities. Equations should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and should be referred to in the text (example: [Equation (2)]).

  • 19. All references and explanatory notes, if any, should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. A complete list of literature citations and notes should appear at the end of the text. All the authors of the cited reference should appear in the list. Abbreviations of periodicals should follow the Chemical Abstracts guidelines.

  • 20. If you are referencing an academic journal, you should include the following information (in order) in the reference : authors, titles, publications, volumes, the first pages' number, and (years). Book or "Proceeding book" information should also be indicated in the following order: authors, titles, editors, book's titles, volumes, the first pages' number, publishers, locations, and (years). Please note that volume letters should appear in boldfaced font while publication letters should be italicized. Items that were not cited in the text can be omitted from the reference list. A period should appear at the end of each reference. Please consult the List of Periodicals of Chemical Abstracts for guidelines regarding the abbreviation of periodicals. Original Paper:

    • (1) J. W. Wiechers, C. L. Kelly, T. G. Blease, and J. C. Dederen, Formulating for efficacy, IFSCC, 7(1), 13 (2004).
    • Book

      (2) D. T. Downing and M. E. Steward, Epidermal composition, eds. M. London and H. I. Maibach, Dry skin and moisturizers, 13, CRC Press, Washington D.C. (2000).
    • Proceeding Book

      (3) R. Haubner and K. Kopf, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. Surface Modification Tech., eds. T. S. Sudarshan and D. G. Bhat, 835, Neuchatel, Switzerland (1980).
    • Degree

      (4) K. D. Hong, Ph. D. Dissertation, Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea (1989).
    • Patent

      (5) U. S. Patent 4,121,025 (1978).
    • (6) (대한화장품학회지)영문표기: J. Soc. Cosmet. Scientists Korea
    • In-press DOI

      (7) M. M. Ghaisas, S. B. Kshirsagar, and R. S. Sahane, Evaluation of wound healing activity of ferulic acid in diabetic rats, Int Wound J., doi:10.1111/j.1742-481X.2012.01119.x. (2012).
  • 21. Please note that Galley proofs, the originalmanuscript, cut copy, and Reprint Order Forms are sent to the corresponding author directly from the publisher. We ask that the author pay special attention to the instructions that accompany the proof, especially the requirement that all corrections, revisions, and additions should be entered on the proof and not on the manuscript. Proofs should be checked against the manuscript (in particular all tables, equations, and formulae, since this is not done by the editorial board), and returned as soon as possible. Authors are entitled to twenty free reprints of the article. Should the author need additional reprints, the author will be able to order extra copies at a rate of 1000 won per reprint of the article.

  • 22. We request that authors submit their papers electronically by using the online manuscript submission program available at http://www. This site will guide authors step by step through the submission process. Authors should upload the source files of their articles in the preferred format of Hancom Office. Authors, reviewers, editors send and receive all correspondence by e-mail. Sholud you be unable to provide an electronic version, please contact the Editorial Office (82-2-970-6451) prior to submission at

  • 23. Only original contributions will be considered as research papers. Manuscripts are accepted for review with the understanding that the same work has not been published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors; further, we work under the assumption that any person cited as a source of personal communication has approved such acitation. That said, written authorization may be required at the chief editor's discretion. Articles and any other material published in the Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea represent the opinions of the author(s) and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the editor(s) or the publisher. An author check list and copyright transfer form can be obtained during the submission process via the website homepage or via an e-mail request.

  • 24. There are no submission fees or page charges. A letter that outlines the basic findings of the paper, along with the significance of those findings, should accompany each manuscript. The editors invite authors to suggest the names of at least three persons who are qualified to serve as reviewers. Please provide complete contact information, including an e-mail address, for each suggested reviewer. We ask that authors not suggest reviewers with whom they have a personal or professional relationship, especially if that relationship would prevent the reviewer from having an unbiased opinion of the work of the authors. Referees should be from institutions other than (and preferably countries other than) those of any of the authors.

  • 25. All manuscripts are treated as confidential. They are peer-reviewed by at least three anonymous reviewers selected by the editor and associate editors. Letters to the editor are included on the decision of the evaluated contents and publishing. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor's decision to 'accept,' 'reject,' or 'request revisions' of the manuscript. When the final revised manuscript is completely acceptable according to SCSK format guidelines and criteria, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.

  • 26. If an author wishes to withdraw a manuscript currently under review, the first and corresponding author should request the withdrawal to the editor-in-chief by e-mail. After notification is received, withdrawn papers are eliminated from the online submission system.

  • 27. Detailed examples of manuscript submission rules are found in the Criteria for the SCSK author check list.

  • 28. SCSK requires the corresponding author to sign a copyright transfer agreement on behalf of all the authors. This agreement form is sent to the corresponding author when the manuscript is accepted and scheduled for publication. Unless the signed agreement form is received, we will not publish the manuscript. The copyright of papers published or presented in this journal belongs to the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea.

  • 29. Research ethic

    Author(s) should be restricted to those who meet any of the following criteria.

    • (1) They have made a substantial contribution to the conception and design of the study, acquisition, or interpretation and analysis of data.
    • (2) They have assisted in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content
    • (3) They were responsible for granting the final approval of the version that has been submitted for publication.

    The followings conditions regarding the progress of the experiment must be met.

    • (1) In studies involving human subjects, the procedures should be in accordance with the ethical standards of the Institutional Review Board (IBR) of the author's institute and with the 1975 Helsinki Declaration (revised in 2000).
    • (2) In the case of animal experiments, authors should adhere to all applicable institutional or national guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals. For policies on research and ublication ethics not stated in these instructions please see, and apply, the international standards for editors and authors that can be found here : ( -standards-editors-and-authors).
  • 30. Papers should be submitted through the on-line website ( Other correspondence can be e-mailed to the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology (e-mail:, Tel: +82-2- 970-6451, Fax: +82-2-972-9585).